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What is O.E.A.H.? 


OneEarthAllHeart (O.E.A.H.) was originally launched in 2011 for the purpose of encouraging one another to reach out, and others to reach back to help another or others along his/her/their journey.  In short, each of us can make a difference this moment, this day/week/month/year to help another along on their path.  


As OEAH was being created, I too was morphing in my own cocoon,  developing my gifts of intuitive awareness and divine channeling as well as achievements in healing modalities.  Life experiences, perhaps not so unlike your own, came swooping in like a hurricane wind.  Without a doubt, what you have experienced in your life up to this very moment is unique to you and you alone.  


No one will, has, or can feel, think like or be you!  You ARE simply a magnificent work of creation - a masterpiece designed for this time for your own unique purpose!  


It makes no difference if you walk, talk, or look different than any other, because you are meant to be the you that you have come here to be, for as long as you are destined to be. Your purpose is unique and though we get hints throughout our life, sometimes there comes a north wind and changes your direction completely.  Many of you will have already experienced the dark night of the soul journey and are so much more rich with wisdom to share and help others along their path of awakening.  Your life matters and it is a gift to yourself to grow in your own spiritual and human walk.  When you make this discovery that you are a gift, it is your choice to experience your purpose more fully or not.


We CAN make a difference right where we live, where we travel, where we work, where we shop, what we!  With each choice there will come another choice.


"Let that be Okay"


     "We may not see a result of a kindness we extended,

     let that be okay. 

      We may not know that a smile made someone's day, 

    let that be okay. 

We may not know that offering to pay for a meal or coffee was the best thing that happened for someone in a long while,

  let the unknowing be okay. 

We may not know that a kind word kept someone from harming themself or others, 

let that be okay."


O.E.A.H. is about encouraging each other through transitions not with just tools, but with what is at its core, HEART.  There are services of alternative modalities within this site to assist you if you so choose along your path while you follow your inner guidance, spirit, God, Source, Divine or Universal Consciousness.  What is certain on each page is the deep rooted heart prayer for your highest good that you can create.  We as a human race are not just in a place, we are also of spirit, with a purpose to be exactly where we are at this moment for a time to do what we do best or to be for a specific purpose or reason.

It is OEAH's hope that we will all find within our being, peace, harmony, love and illuminate light on what is dark and that you will ultimately find your purpose and direction in a healthy, positive and kind way  It is my hope as the creator of OEAH that we all find ways to encourage each other, not just for this moment or this day, but for days and years to come.  Even if we cannot see how a prayer, a positive intention, an act of kindness touches each life/lives/nations, we can let that be okay.  WE CAN, YOU CAN, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 


Individually we can do more and, in turn, collectively be more!


OneEarthAllHeart cares for the heart of humanity - all living creations and the sacred ground we are a guest and gifted to walk upon, for in all is life and each life is precious!  











Melissa Eggers

Founder, Executive Director and Creator, CHLC, CSMC

OneEarthAllHeart (OEAH)


Certified Holistic Life  Coach

Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner

Certified Reiki Master

Certified Chakra Teacher and Chakra Practitioner

Certified Therapeutic Art Coach

Creator and Artist of "Intuitive Art by M"




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In honor of my son, Adam Eggers

© 2011    Melissa Eggers




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